Childbirth Education FAQ
- Can husbands and boyfriends come to breastfeeding class?
Absolutely. Most expectant mothers bring their partner to the class. Some studies have shown that a supportive partner is vital to the success of breastfeeding and this class will get dad very excited about breastfeeding.
- What do I need to bring to Childbirth Class?
Bring two pillows and a blanket to use for childbirth exercises. Wear comfortable clothes and bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated. For the all-day class, we will break for lunch so money will be needed to eat at a local restaurant.
- Can I bring someone else with me to class?
Many moms bring grandma or a good friend to class if dad cannot attend. We encourage mom to bring other support people with her to class if she would like to, as well as dad. If grandma will be caring for baby once mom returns to work we would encourage her to attend the Newborn Care Class where we will be discussing safe sleep, infant CPR and choking.
- Can children attend the prenatal classes?
Well-behaved children over the age of 10 are allowed to attend the class. Younger children may have a hard time sitting quietly for the duration of the class and this can be a distraction to other attendees.
- What age would you recommend for children attending the Sibling Class?
We would recommend children from the age of three attend this class. The class can be modified depending on the age of the children. Older children may enjoy visiting the maternity center and meeting with the staff. Each child will need to bring a baby onesie, which will be decorated at the end of class and can be given to the baby following the birth.
- At what stage of my pregnancy should I attend Childbirth Class?
We would recommend that expectant mothers attend Childbirth Class starting at 30 weeks. You may attend sooner, but it's good to have this information fresh in your mind close to the time of the birth of your baby. It's a good idea to sign up well in advance as these classes are very popular and fill quickly.
- What is the difference between the one day and four week program?
The one-day Childbirth Class is a condensed version of our four-week class. Less time is available for practicing relaxation and breathing techniques. Moms planning on an unmediated birth may prefer the four-week program where we practice different relaxation techniques each week.
- Is there any recommended reading before attending the childbirth classes?
We encourage expectant parents to learn as much about childbirth before attending class. There are so many choices to be made about the type of birth experience they would like. The local library has many wonderful books available for loan.
For more information, please call:
(256) 429-5251