Spiritual Care
The healing process takes place over time, through many processes and in many ways - and not all of them have to do with medicine or the body. At Crestwood Medical Center, we're happy to assist with guidance of another type, whether by a member of the staff or a chaplain of your choosing.
The mission of the spiritual care department at Crestwood Medical Center is to provide spiritual and emotional care to our patients, their families and the staff, regardless of their religious affiliation.
Arrange a Visit By a Chaplain
Patients, families, visitors or staff members can request pastoral care, regardless of their religious affiliation. The chaplains make rounds on the units and take time to stop in to visit and check-in on patients. To arrange a visit from a chaplain, call the chaplain's office at (256) 429-4077 or notify any Crestwood Medical Center staff member.
Interfaith Chapel
The Interfaith Chapel is located on the first floor of Crestwood Medical Center, the first door to the left after entering through the visitors' entrance. Everyone is invited to enter for prayer, meditation or quiet reflection. A prayer box is provided where you may place your prayer requests. These are collected and prayed over daily.
For more information or to request pastoral care, please call (256) 429-4077 or notify a Crestwood Medical Center staff member.