Crestwood Supports Green Mountain Volunteer Fire Department
Crestwood Medical Center supported the Green Mountain Volunteer Fired Department (GMVFD) in donating funds to purchase a defribrillator and needed medical equipment for the recently acquired Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV). The GMVFD is the only volunteer station within the city limits, and having basic and standard emergency equipment in the southern remote neighborhoods supports the community health on the Mountain.
A significant number of the calls answered by the GMVFD are medical in nature. As with any volunteer department, in the past critical time has been spent responding to the fire station to get the fire engine carrying the medical equipment. GMVFD decided to acquire a SUV to be stationed at a trained volunteer’s home to improve response time in these cases. A used SUV was donated to the GMVFD and necessary repairs and modifications were made. A set of first responder medical equipment, including an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), identical to that carried on the fire engine, is necessary to have a fully functioning “first responder” vehicle.

From Left to Right: Dr. John Wisda, Russ Rawson, Dr. Pam Hudson, Vint Atchley, Dr. John Bowman, Marcia Obermann, and Dr. Russ Simpson